'; ?> February 2010 | What The People Want
February 2010
Two years on, the ‘great moral challenge’ just leaves people in the cold
Sunday, 28 February 2010 21:01 | Written by Graham Young

It seemed the perfect issue for the government. Not only was it the “greatest moral challenge of our time” but it had the potential to wedge the Coalition and distract it from campaigning on issues where it could win votes.

(From The Australian February 13, 2010. An analysis of polling here and around the world on global warming).

Roy Morgan has ALP down one point

Roy Morgan's latest poll has the government down one percentage point. This is not statistically significant. It is also not inconsistent with our polling, which is statistically significant.

Gary Morgan says:

“The latest Morgan Poll conducted last weekend shows a slight tightening between the Rudd Government (56.5%, down 1%) and the L-NP Opposition (43.5%, up 1%).

“Dominating much of the news over the past two weeks has been Environment Minister Peter Garret’s conduct of the home insulation rebate scheme. Opposition calls for Garrett to resign for mismanaging the scheme have so far fallen on deaf ears and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has now taken full responsibility for the scheme himself.

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